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Modals Javadocs

Modals are a special type of window that can be used to display a controller on top of another controller. Modals can be used to display popup windows, dialogs, etc.

The framework provides a Modals class that can be used to display a modal. Using a builder, a stage can be configured and then be displayed.

An Initializer in the form of a BiConsumer provides access to the component instance and the stage for configuring things the builder doesn’t provide. It can be set using init(). Initializers are called after the component has been created, initialized and rendered, but before the stage is shown.

Enabling dialog() adds some default styling to the stage. This has been added as an option to enable the legacy default styling present in the old modal class.

Parameters can be passed by using the param() method in form of a map (see show() in the FulibFxApp class).

Enabling destroyOnClose() configures the component to be destroyed upon closing the modal. This is enabled by default and shouldn’t be changed if not necessary.

The stage can either be built using build() and then displayed by yourself, or built and displayed at once using show().

When displaying the component, the parameters modalStage and ownerStage will be passed so that the modal can for example be closed from inside the component class.

The same component instance cannot be used twice for displaying a modal. When using Dagger it is recommended to inject a provider and use it to create an instance for every modal.

public class ModalComponent extends VBox {

    // ...

    Stage modal;

    void onRender() {

    void onCloseClick() {

Modals modals = new Modals(app); // Can also be injected by Dagger

    .dialog(true) // Apply the legacy fulibFx styling
    .init((stage, component) -> {
    .params(Map.of("key", value))

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